Assessment, prevention, technical assistance, protection and operational support

Technical assistance

GROUPE PRORISK promotes its technical assistance on two complementary levels :


  1. Defining needs of the contracting authority and writing specifications in the view of a tender to realise a project.
  2. Realising the project under conditions of time, of quality and of fixed costs by abode-mentioned project, all in accordance with a contract which links the contracting authority in order to :
    • Support him for the consultancy of companies and for the deal of market(s) with entrepreneur(s)
    • Manage the execution of work contract(s)
    • Support the acceptance of work.


Representation of a client

In the context of engineering consulting, technical assistance can also be to represent a client to a supplier during a particular mission.


Thus, for example, KSI provides for EDF-EN the functions of "client's Representative" on "ship of survey" in charge of building an image of seabed where the presence of historical amunitions is proven

Liste des marques


Tlla ullamcorper leo vitae sodales ultricesliquam varius


  • 7 rue du commandant Malbert
